Der var også en bøtte Shrikand, sødet, afdryppet yoghurt, rørt med saffran, kardemomme og pistacienødder i papirtynde skiver. Et sandt lækkeri til dessert eller til en karry. Fint om morgenen med granatæblekerner - syrlige til at balancere det søde - og Urtekrams honningbrød ristet. Jeg elsker det, og har serveret det på højskolen, lavet fra Madhur Jaffreys 35 år gamle, stadig vidunderlige, World-of-the-East Vegetarian Cooking. Næste gang jeg møder kokken, hører jeg om hendes opskrift er hemmelig.
I consider myself lucky to have such nice tenants in the apartment upstairs. Warm people, who I enjoy sharing my living space with. Software developers from Mumbai, working on a projekt in a big Danish bank. They make great food, too, check Swapan's Friday's chicken curry. Last weekend was Diwali, and I received a lovely box of homemade Diwali sweets and savories.
There was also some Shrikand, sweetened, drained youghurt with saffron, cardemom and paper thin pistachio slices. A treat for dessert or with a curry. Great for a special breakfast with pomegranates - tart to balance the sweetness - and toasted rye-honey bread. I love it, and have made it a few times from a recipe in Madhur Jaffrey's 35 year old, still wonderful World-of-the-East Vegetarian Cooking. Next time I see the cook, I'll see if she'll give me her recipe.
2 kommentarer:
so glad to see an english post again! still enjoy checking your blog. happy thanksgiving!
really nice to hear from you, melissa, i love that you're there! yeah, it's harder than i thought, writing in both languages... happy thanksgiving to you, too, i just had small pecan pies on the menu at a course last friday!
a big hug
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